Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Dems Pissed -- Running 2nd

The quest for the White House paradigm seems to have shifted once again. From their perch atop the mountain, the Dems watched the Palin flood waters rise over the last two weeks to the point where it has choked their normal breathing process and caused them to act queer in fear.

Their lofty position leading the Obama charge to the White House has been overridden by the rowdy neighbors from the far hinterlands who threaten to keep it via imminent domain. As all property holders do, the Dems are striking back with their loaded weapons, slinging everything they command on to the dread interlopers via the EMSM (elite mainstream media). They are meeting with their lawyers to ward off this imminent domain takeover by the all-encompassing flood of public opinion.

Gone from the Dems is the safe, comfortable posture of the front runner that was still relishing the mounted head of the dread Hillary monster and fending off the old fart McCain from the other side. Right now the Dems are bailing flood water using insults and belittling family values. They must survive the rising tide as no additional Obama firmament exists, they can build the Obama hill no higher. At present the Obama mountain just shy of providing the necessary perch to support the leap to the White House; the encroaching Palin flood waters appear to be lifting the McCain boat to the level where the prevailing winds can steer it to safe harbor while the Dems gasp for air.

It appears the Dems and the EMSM have lurched into panic mode striking out with everything and everybody they have against Palin, chanting "We can do it, we can do it. Just one more female dragon to slay and we can take over the big, white house at the top of the mountain!"


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