Thursday, October 02, 2008

Ya Never Know What's In The Fridge

One day last week, I had a whole bunch of tomatoes from the little vines here at the house. Some had spots on 'em and didn't look all that great, so I decided I'd give 'em the ol' hot boil and peel deal; then cook 'em down a bit before freezing 'em.

Once I got finished with the tomatoes, I recalled that I had a large piece of eye round roast that I was using for sandwiches. It had gotten to the point where it needed to be used for something else (if ya know whatta mean!). Being the smart rascal that I can sometimes be, it occurred to me that a pot of vegetable soup might be just the thing for the cooler weather that was on the way.

I let the ol' maters keep cooking away while I cubed the beef and added it. Then I chopped a medium onion, some celery and some carrots. Soup was starting to look pretty good, but still needed some more veggies. I found 2 ears of cooked corn in the fridge, so I cut the kernels off the cobb and added it to the soup.

I was still missing something. I rooted thru the fridge again and came across this jar that was still half full of delicious Paisley Farm Four Bean Salad that I had bought on one of my many trips to Costco. This stuff is really good when served chilled, kind of a sweet-pickle type flavor. It had light green beans, dark green beans, red kidney beans and garbanzo-type beans along with some onion and other stuff.

I drained the pickle juice from the jar and added the remaining salad to the soup. That was a first for me. Man, that was some really good looking soup after I added the four bean stuff. I added the requisite seasonings for beef, tomato vegetable soup, which I won't divulge here as it's my own little secret. :-)

I'm the only one eating on that pot of soup, but man you talk about something delicious. That pickle flavor in those beans really set it off. I think I've probably gained a couple of pounds just from eating soup (and maybe some excellent vanilla ice cream) this week. Next time I visit Costco I'm gonna get a couple more jars of that superb soup fixin' four bean salad.



Susan Spencer said...

Jeez, that sounds good Dewey. Just reading about it made me hungry!

(Of course it doesn't help that I'm reading recipes for homemade soup at 4 in the afternoon)

Elita said...

your soup sounds good. just add two cans of creamed corn, any brand will do and your soup will be more amazing. Even add another can of kernel corn and it will be super duper and also add stringbeans frozen or canned and some green frozen peas... you will love it.... elita