Saturday, November 22, 2008

Where's Global Warming When Ya Need It

This is just not right. November 22 and it's only 22 degrees outside; that's only one degree for each day of the month so far!

It has been cold here in the Big Town of Savage forever. Will it ever warm up??? Forecast even calls for high temp of 40 on Thanksgiving Day. This just ain't right!

What happened to Al Gore when ya need the rascal? Where's the TV media reporting on this climate abnormality? Why is no one talking about global cooling that's happening right here in the Big Town of Savage???

What's the world coming to? Is everything skewed? Is this society's way of punishing us for our past sins; cold temps? How come the EMSM has all this power? Are they trying to get oil prices back up again?

What's really going on here?


PS - Update here.

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