Saturday, December 27, 2008

My First Christmas Was A Whole Bunch of Fun

Christmas was just a whole bunch of fun this year. We had all that action and food and relatives were everywhere. I didn't know my family had so many people in it or that there was that much food in the world. Wonder if they were all new at this Christmas thing like me?

The excitement was almost unbearable before Christmas with all the shopping on the internet and keeping an eye out for the delivery guys bringing packages. I'll tellya, I thot those guys would be more friendly and stay a while, but they no more than left off the boxes and they were gone in a flash before I could even say "hi" or get a sniff of 'em. They're quick; I wonder if they're related to that Santa Claus fella...he didn't stay long either?

But doggone it seems like things aren't as much fun since this Christmas deal is over. I feel kind of at a loss now and a little down like the foto. I mean, you know, even I can only nap for so many hours in a day!!! I rested up and napped most of the day yesterday and really had trouble sleeping last nite. I'm not very good tellin' time, but I think I woke up around 1 and didn't know what to do. I wandered around and finally found some food and something to drink, 'cause I sure couldn't go back to sleep the way I was.

I made my way over to the computer to see if anything was happening in the rest of the world on the blog thingy. I think some people also had extra time on their hands now that it's over, 'cause a lot of 'em had updated their blogs to reflect their Christmas too.

I remember seeing one site that had fotos of a big ol' boat with all kinds of decorations. It was kinda neat and it sure looked warm floatin' on all that water, not cold like it is here. Be neat if ya could just jump into the monitor and soak up some of that sunshine like that boat was doin'!

I managed to go back to sleep around 4 and didn't wake up again until there was some action in the house around 7. I found some more food and a drink and after eating all that I kind of felt lethargic (that's a big word for me) and was yawning right much. But I didn't let myself nap tho 'cause I just knew there would be more big stuff going on later.

After a brisk walk down to the BToS post office, I came back to wash out some stuff (first time in about 6 weeks...pups don't need to wash very often, you know that). That washing machine thingy is kind of neat. Wonder if I'd fit in there. It'd be kind of like a fun ride, except for the really fast spin part!!!

I'd like to tell ya some more stuff, but I feel like I might need an afternoon nap...


PS -- I don't know who to credit for the pup foto that I found on Google Images, but it was so cute I couldn't resist using it. Thanks to the real owner, 'cause it looks just like me (almost).


Susan Spencer said...

GEEZ, Dewey!!! You had me going for a minute with that photo and title.

Okay that settles it. My new years' resolution: "A canine in '09". Nice ring to it, eh?

Susan Spencer said...

...and of course the resolution refers to a canine in '09 for YOU.