Monday, January 19, 2009

What Do I Expect From President Obama?

I want President Obama to take charge of the US Government and try to do what's best for the United States from his perspective; which may not be the same as mine or yours. He'll come in as someone who's obviously very intelligent; someone that's new to being 'in charge' and hopefully not necessarily a clone of managers (presidents) that wanted to continue to do business as we've always done it. Hopefully, he'll take a step back when reviewing issues and ask the simple question "Do we have to do it that way? What are some alternative approaches?" That always worked for me, even in retirement.

Hopefully, he'll also take a similar approach internationally and not be bound by old conventions. As an example, I've thought for a long time that Cuba should be a close ally for the US, possibly even a 51st state eventually; it's only 90 miles from our shores. Open up the economic exchange, trade openly with them and their politics will change dramatically in no time flat. The US needs to do things that project a positive light to other nations so they will want to join with us rather than constantly berating us as they do today.

I want CHANGE as candidate Obama promised. CHANGE in the way the United States thinks about problems; CHANGE in the way the United States thinks about other countries and most of all I want a CHANGE of attitude from the United States Congress, I want them to adopt an attitude of "What's best for the United States", not necessarily the selfish attitude that Congress displays now when it comes to spending money on their constituents and supporters and to hell with what's best for the United States.

In order for President Obama to be successful, we all need to put aside party bickering and adopt an attitude of "What's Best For The United States!"

Ponder it,


Susan Spencer said...

Here! Here! (sound of hands clapping).

What I expect--and fervently hope to be wrong about--is he will also tax us into oblivion. Let's hope he has some advisors around him to explain that never, not one time, has increasing taxes resulted in an expanded economy.

BToS JD said...

I'll tellya Soopy, you might wanna take that tax deal of yours up with the ol' Pelosi gal. She's got the inbred bones of a Baltimore tax and spend liberal family!!!

rascal said...

I pondered it. I could not have said it better. I want and hope for the same things as you. But you did not answer your question.
What do I expect from President Obama? It will take me a while for trust to build.

BToS JD said...

My definition of 'expect' in the post is a bit different from your definition in the comment, rascal.

I don't pretend know what to expect as results of his administration, I only know what I expect him to do as President.

I think you are correct in 'taking a while for trust to build', but at the same time I believe we need to expect the President to act and govern in a manner that's going to be best for the US.