Friday, January 23, 2009

Ya Gotta Luv It!!!

The 10-day forecast for the Big Town of Savage runs up thru 1 February and shows no indication of significant snowfall and I luv it!

We've had practically no snow this season. I know, I know, February can be a real downer when it comes to snow. But, I'm taking the opposite approach. We're about 8 weeks into what's normally snow season here in the BToS and we've had nothing to speak of. I might be posting fotos of an 18" snow during February, but 8-weeks with none is wunnerful.


PS - Even tho the road appears white in the foto, the appearance is actually the result of good ol' Howard County's feeling of urgency to use up their supply of road salt before it goes bad. I think the term 'black ice' was mentioned in the weather forecast and they decided to make 'doubly' sure that no one had any possible chance of ever seeing 'black ice' on our street. They just turned the black asphalt into white asphalt.

You can see the salt tracks into the what used to a nice black driveway. Fortunately, today's cars don't rust out underneath like the old ones did after being exposed to road salt.

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