Monday, February 09, 2009

President Obama -- Politician or Leader???

I was heading from Shoppers Food Warehouse back to the Big Town of Savage, Maryland (BToS) this morning when I heard these two definitions relayed by a guest on the Ed Norris Show on FM 105.7.

POLITICIAN -- Always thinking about the next election...
LEADER -- Always thinking about the next generation...

Is President Obama a 'LEADER' or just another 'POLITICIAN' looking to be reelected in 2012???

Ponder it the next time you hear about the monstrous 'stimulus' package being pushed by our new President and the United States Congress. Are they concerned about the 2010-2012 elections or your childrens' future financial stability?

You make the decision and be sure to let your Senator and Representative know your thoughts before it becomes law...


1 comment:

SavageMdUSA said...

Last night Prez Obama talked about both the next election and the next generation. He acted like both a leader and politician. He's gonna keep all the bases covered. Now, all he has to do is get old Joe to keep him updated and the team will be in good shape!