Sunday, March 29, 2009

Creamy Chocolate Easter Eggs in BToS

Sales are booming and Lana and Barbara are making even more of those wonderful creamy Chocolate Easter Eggs for the Savage United Methodist Church. The ladies are nice enough to do this so the church can sell them to raise funds.

These delicious eggs are pretty good size, half-pounders as I found out, and they are delicious. If you're close to the BToS and think you might like to get a few, give the church a call. Here's the info:

Chocolate Easter Eggs - Phone - 301-725-7630

Cost: $5.00 ea.
Maple Nut (my favorite)
Peanut Butter (my favorite)
Fruit and Nut
Butter Cream
Orange Cream

Give 'em a call,

PS - I know I'm kind of wierd, but I do have both as favorites!!!


SavageMdUSA said...

Wow, ya'd think you'd invite over the old neighbor guy to test taste one of them there eggs. Couldn't eat a whole one on my own. Watch them cals....LMAO!!!!!

BToS JD said...

Them that pays, gets...