Wednesday, March 04, 2009

Maryland Death Penalty -- Useless

Didja ever give any thot to the effectiveness of the death penalty? I don't want to get into discussion of all the political crappola regarding the positives and negatives, especially with the current actions in the Maryland Legislature.

I do, however, have one thought on the death penalty in the Great State of MD (GSoMD). I don't recall the last time the GSoMD actually executed anyone that was sentenced to death. Maybe we did and I just don't remember. But if I don't remember, then it's likely criminals don't remember either.

The most important product of the death penalty, one that's often forgotten or ignored, is DETERRENCE. If criminals know they can be put to death for a crime, then possibly they'll not commit the crime.

But if states never execute anyone; then the death penalty isn't effective as a deterrent to criminals' actions!

Use it...or lose it!!!

Ponder it,

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