Wednesday, September 16, 2009

No Humor Left in Life - O'Bama Done It

Yes sir, that rascally Irishman O'Bama has taken all the fun out of life and caused us all to drown our recent O'Bama sorrows in Guinness, Murphy's or Beamish; or heaven forbid some gawd-awful green ale!

I've taken stock of my emails lately and the large majority are political; mostly anti-O'BamaNomics, anti-O'BamaCare, anti-O'BamaWhateverelse...and save-yourself religious messages. But very little, if any, humor!

That tells me that the mental state of all my email buds is not well at all. Will it improve any time soon? Is there any hope that we'll all live through the constant imbibing and drunken stupors? Are the local joints and pubs booming?

I don't know the answers, but I do know that the mental state of the populace is semi-depressed indeed. Folks without work are trying their damnedest to find jobs; folks that have jobs are working their ass off trying to keep 'em and pay their bills and retired folks fear the whole system will collapse around them.

Despite multiple, daily TV teleprompter pronouncements of 'good times are coming' by our president, the world ain't looking up, it's looking kind of dreary from my perspective here in the BToS.

Ponder it and get back,

PS - Ever thot of emailing all your buds some humor.
PPS - It's true, it's O'Bama, not Obama

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