Sunday, September 06, 2009

Stomach Stretch - Eat Too Much - Update 15

A quick Google search of images turned up this '2 pounder' pillow that I decided to use as an indicator of a bit of progress this week. The '*2* POUNDER, OVERFILLED', reflected two important observations; (1) a 2 pound drop and (2) I still look quite a bit 'overfilled'.

The Stomach Stretch Chart reflects that I did indeed have a two pound drop this reporting period. I made an effort to stay away from cookies, candies and cakes, which contributed significantly to my considerably lower average daily intake of 1700 calories this week.

The family did have a belated celebration of my daughter-in-law's birthday Saturday, which featured an excellent strawberry cake with some wonderful homemade creamy white icing. The cake topped off an excellent lunch of some grilled burgers, my daughter's fine salad and a lot of 'other stuff' which I successfully avoided. :-)

No other food action to report from last week. Son-in-law will be with me two nights this week, so we'll see how the menu goes. I guess the key isn't the menu, but the self control that I do or do not demonstrate. :-)

Only real exercise for this week beyond shopping trips to Costco and Sam's was a midday Wednesday mowing of the lawn, which usually takes about 90 minutes. I'll have to wear my pedometer and measure distance walked next time. I'll attempt to get some regular walking around the BToS this week.

As a side note, this is my first visit to the 230 weight range since May '07, when I was 239 for a 3 week period, signifying the end of a weight loss effort at that time. Hopefully this week's 238 will be just an interim resting spot on the way down. We'll see.

Do good stuff; have some fun,

PS - I'm a day early posting this week, using a Sunday morning weigh-in vice Monday morning. And, no, it's not due to the Labor Day Holiday. :-)

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