Thursday, November 26, 2009

15 Degrees Below Zero - Not in the BToS

This is an image I scanned from a calendar featuring Norman Rockwell pictures. I really enjoyed that calendar and when the year changed, I decided I'd scan all the images and add them to my hard drive clutter. Click on this one for a larger image where you'll likely be able to read the comment.

I don't ever recall the temperature being 15 below zero here in the Big Town of Savage (BToS) at any time during my 67 years living here, maybe 6 below. However, I can relate to the comment about enjoying the indoor warmth versus spending so much time outdoors.

As a kid I loved nothing more than being outside no matter the weather. It just seemed so exciting to be outdoors and searching for new stuff, which many times turned into trouble or problems that kids tend to have.

Back then there was no electronic excitement like there is today for kids. Our excitement was just running around the yard, or running up the road to visit Grandma or friends.

I notice at my age now, I don't seem to enjoy the cold weather so much any more and find things to do indoors. All the excitement is electronically accessed vice first-hand experience. I tend to think about doing outdoor things rather than actually doing them. Just a whole lot of pondering without much action.

I don't claim to be a victim of modern technology, but have embraced it leading me to have a completely different set of interests than Grandpa had.


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