Wednesday, November 18, 2009

AP Poll - US Wealthy Should Pay for ObamaCare

I was listening to the news this morning on my favorite Baltimore AM radio station, WBAL. The reporter made a comment to the effect that an AP Poll reveals that "Americans don't want to shoulder the cost of President Obama's health care overhaul themselves. They think the rich should pay for it."

This quote is from an AP article at, the site of today's Boston Globe paper. The foto of Harry 'gotcha' Reid is from the same article.

I have a few comments on this:

1. What do the AP pollsters expect people to say if given the option of who should pay for ObamaCare? No one wants to pay for it themselves!

2. The wealthy certainly don't want to pay for it either, nor should they be unfairly taxed to support it.

3. Who in their right mind would conduct a poll with that type query except folks that want to push ObamaCare forward in Congress??? The agenda of most polls can be ascertained by the nature of the questions. This one is an excellent example of that, at least for this one question!!!

Protect your wallet and cross your legs, cause Congress is gonna grab you by the balls with one hand and rob you with the other when ObamaCare comes about.

Ponder it.

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