Monday, November 09, 2009

Redskins -- Zorn can't motivate players

It's the head coach's job to motivate a team to play from the git-go. Jim Zorn hasn't figured out how to do that yet. He'd better learn soon or he's outta there and Snyder-Cerrato will bring in another loser for their poorly run team.

Jim Zorn is just too cerebral. He doesn't know how to kick ass. His team goes on to the field and thinks about what resorts they're going to visit in the off season. They could care less about playing football for a loser.

I had high hopes that Zorn's approach would work. But his players aren't the type to motivate themselves. They won't get excited in time to keep Atlanta from scoring 24 points in the first half. By the time the Skins come back in the second half, the Falcons are already on break and play soft.

No the Skins are DEAD until Jim Zorn figures out how to kick some ass and motivate a team of slackards.

I'm not a hard core football fan and as a matter of fact the older I get the less I enjoy it, but the Skins problem is obvious and the media continues to skew their reporting to highlight BS items like 'who is calling the plays'!!!

Just my opinion,

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