Sunday, November 01, 2009

Stomach Stretch - Eat Too Much - Update 22

Wow, it's the first of the month already and time for my first bi-monthly Stomach Stretch report. As you can see from the chart, I have lost one pound again. Progress is progress. :-)

I completed my average daily calorie count for the month of October which came in at approximately (it's approximate since you can't really, truly be accurate when counting calories in food, even with all the counting aids provided on food packages and within web site charts) 2100 calories per day.

An average daily count of 2100 definitely isn't as low as it should be for someone who's actually trying to drop some excess weight, but considering I lost about 2 pounds during the month, it's not all that bad either. As I mentioned in my previous report, I didn't get as much exercise as I would have liked this month either. Obviously, I am basically a slacker, who'd rather sit at this computer and type out blog posts and facebook entries.

As I mentioned in my last report, son-in-law was here the past two weeks and doesn't appear to have thrown me off calorie schedule. I didn't get carried away with meals. My recollection is that we had grilled boneless rib steaks (about 16 oz before cooking), baked potato and salad two of the six nights he was here. We also had chili dogs one night; fried chicken w/waffle fries another night and homemade pulled pork BBQ another evening. We also went out for some excellent Chinese food one night last week. It was good that we were eating home cooking, where you know the exact content of the foods you eat vice guessing what restaurants put into their dishes.

As I won't have a house guest the next two weeks, I will be able to control my intake a bit better. We'll see how/if it works out. :-)

I need to mow the lawn and put down some fertilizer early this week. Fortunately the extended forecast is for sunshine thru the week.

That's all I've got until next report around the 15th of the month,

PS - I know most folks enjoy daylight savings time, but when this time of year comes around I, for one, am very glad to see it go. I dislike immensely not having the sun rise until 7:30. I look out my front window at 6:45 or so and see kids walking up the sidewalk heading for the local schools and it's still pitch dark. At least with the time change, daylight will be showing up before 7AM. So what if it gets dark at 5:30, not much you can do in the evenings anyway once the temp drops for late autumn/winter.

PPS - Bi-monthly will actually become bi-weekly with the next report being Monday 16 Nov.

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