Monday, November 30, 2009

Stomach Stretch - Eat Too Much - Update 24

First item on this report is that the diuretic experiment didn't go too well, so I went back on the med after a week. Main symptom was a slight increase in my BP, nothing major, but I wasn't comfortable with it. I'll try that experiment again, maybe at a time when I'm getting more exercise and am about 10 lbs lighter.

As you can see by the chart, I'm down about 4 lbs for the month of November with no change in variables. Of course I had been at a pretty steady weight for considerable time prior. The 231 weight has been stable for most of this week, 232 last Thursday and 231 Sunday and today. Given my initial weight of 255, progress continues.

I, personally, think a stable, slow loss of 24 lbs over 6.5 months is pretty good. As you can tell from previous reports, I haven't been starving myself or depriving myself of foods I enjoy. I've just attempted thru the whole exercise to control my portions. It seems I can enjoy any food, as long as it's in moderation and that I take that into account in the overall calorie count scheme.

This system seems to work for me, especially since I have time to sit at my computer and fill in the details on my spreadsheet several times a day, noting foods and calories. I know I've mentioned this before, but my spreadsheet has a daily record of food/calorie intake going back to September 2006. During that period I may have missed short periods when on travel, but never when I'm at home. Guess that is an advantage of being a retired 'old fart'. I'm now 68 and hoping to count a few more if I can continue this program and try a bit harder to get some regular exercise (I'm no good at that). Possibly I need to enter daily exercise in my spreadsheet too. :-)

Son-in-law spent 5 nites with me over the past 2 weeks. We weren't extravagant with our food, but very good, I thot. I made a pot of SW chili and prepared a batch of cheese dip and chips to go with it. It's the same chili I've detailed in previous reports. We had pizza at Ledo's one evening, I went with my usual 1/2 pepperoni (their really thick sliced, spicy kind) and half Hawaiian. The next evening we had some Jack Daniels Beef BBQ with cole slaw and macaroni salad. It was my first experience with the JD BBQ and it was very good. As you may know I'm more of a pork BBQ kinda guy, but this was very good. I bought it frozen at Sam's or Costco. I had the pizza leftovers later in the week.

The second week we had some sauteed pork tenderloin medallions, onions, peppers and mushrooms with angel hair pasta in a marinara sauce, dinner rolls and salad. Tuesday nite we visited Don Pablo's, where I had some enchiladas and the normal sides. Was a busy nite with many large families with kids. Possibly folks in town getting together prior to Thanksgiving.

Then of course there was Thanksgiving. All the kids/grandkids along with my ex's family (wife, sister-in-law and M-in-law) had a wonderful meal and good conversation. My job was simple, buy turkey, make King's Arms Sweet Potato Pie casserole, make gallon of sweet tea and provide ice.

Nothing exciting food-wise outside that. Just normal eating here at home. As you know the month of December is fraught with potential pitfalls for folks that are attempting to control their calories. I have a fruitcake and a cranberry pecan cake coming from O H Danish Bakery in Racine Wisconsin. They had a free shipping deal that I just couldn't resist. I usually get their Kringles, but decided to try other favorites this time. They ship UPS and I've had good luck with the condition of orders. We'll see how it goes with these two cakes that are due delivery Wednesday this week. I'll share with family and neighbors.

I don't have before and after fotos and ain't the prettiest guy to post fotos of anyway, so don't expect that. I'm back at it until my next report Monday, December 13.

Here's good eatin' to ya during this holiday season,

PS - Son-in-law won't be here during this two-week period, but I've scheduled a short trip to Danville to visit cousin Betty. She always prepares way toooooooooooooo much down-home food!

1 comment:

BToS JD said...

Trip to visit cousin Betty has been pushed back until the new year.