Thursday, January 07, 2010

Maryland Democrats - No Fiscal Responsibility

Maryland needs a divided government. The Democrat run government we have now is out of control. Maryland's Democrats show no interest in fiscal responsibility and can only do one thing; SPEND my money and want more, more,'s like that movie "Little Shop of Horrors" where the blood eating plant can't get enough! "Feed me Seymour!"

They're getting ready to begin another session of the Legislature where they will make every effort to convince us that they are working their asses off to reduce the budget and fit into the income projections. In reality, had they not been so profligate with our funds in previous years, they wouldn't be in this financial fix for 2010.

Sadly it appears that the Republicans have little chance of gaining any position in the Maryland house or senate in the upcoming election this fall. Maryland's liberal skewed demographics almost certainly guarantee the Democrats continue to control both chambers for eternity. The only hope for some fiscal responsibility in the Maryland government is to elect a non-Democrat for governor.

The Republicans need a new approach for their gubernatorial candidate. Bob Ehrlich is not a viable candidate to run against today's 'Pretty Boy' governor. While learned and well spoken, Bob has no pizazz and against O'Malley for a second time, he'll flounder again. He'll never make the grade, given Maryland's liberal Democrat-skewed demographics and O'Malley's incumbency.

No, the Republicans need a 2010 candidate for Governor that is cut from a different mold. They can never win with a black candidate as the majority of black voters in Maryland won't vote for a non-Democrat black candidate; an example is Michael Steele against Ben Cardin for Senate.

The Republicans likely need a female to attract moderate women, someone who's bright, energetic and knowledgeable of Maryland politics and government. The Republicans need someone comparable to Alaska's Hockey Mom to run for governor.

Kendel Ehrlich fits the mold of Republican candidate for Soccer Mom Governor. She meets all the criteria and definitely knows her way around Maryland politics. Best of all she's never held elective office, which is a plus in today's society. Click here for a fine Washington Post article from 2005 detailing some of Kendel's experience and qualifications.

I've been looking ahead and already have my bumper stickers. I'm ready for the 2010 campaign supporting KENDEL Ehrlich for Governor of Maryland. Go Kendel...

Let's just DO IT!!!

PS - Given Bob Ehrlich's experience as a Congressman from Maryland and as Maryland's Governor, I believe it's time for him to challenge Barbara Mikulski for the Maryland US Senate office that she now holds. I believe that seat is open for election this fall. Bob is an ideal legislator, where you don't need all that pizazz...the rascal's smart and thoughtful on all issues placing them into proper perspective before acting on them.

While Bob ain't my pick for the Republican Maryland candidate for Governor, I think he's an excellent choice to face off with Mikulski this year. I can see it now, 'not at all bashful Barb' against 'straight shooter Bob'. The Bob and Barb faceoff!!! Gotta luv it...where can I get tickets???

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