Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Netflix Blu-ray or Obama's State of the Union Speech

I just received my first Netflix Blu-Ray DVD in the mail yesterday. I was wondering when I might find time to watch it. Turns out the perfect opportunity has arisen and I plan to watch it tonite at 9 PM.

I had originally planned to catch up on what the President of the United States has to say in his State of the Union speech tonite. However, I just read an extensive AP article in the morning edition of the Frederick News-Post (FNP) detailing the content of tonight's speech by the president.
AP Photo

The information was relayed by the president's press secretary Robert Gibbs at the White House Tuesday; thus usurping the content of President Obama's speech this evening.

It has been obvious for quite some time now that Mr. Obama has little to do with the content of the speeches he delivers. His sole function is to provide his normal energetic, convincing delivery of the speech from his teleprompter. This is how Mr. Obama gained the office and there's no need to shift a winning paradigm at this juncture.

I've concluded that Mr. Obama is really the 'front man' for his handlers. He's charged with convincing the people of the United States to believe and follow the latest administration communique.

Fortunately, Mr. Gibbs provided the AP with the speech content, which I've already digested fully 15 hours before the nation will be subjected to it on all major TV networks.
When I first thought about it, I was just a bit irritated at myself for deciding to skip the State of the Union speech in favor my first Blu-ray flick. But let's get serious here, Blu-ray or Obama speech!

After reviewing the specifics of the situation, I confirmed my decision. What Mr. Gibbs didn't relay on Tuesday will be in the Thursday morning edition of the FNP and will already have been interpreted and analyzed for me.

Since purchasing the HD TV two years ago, my limited TV time is precious, so tonight I'll be watching Netflix Blu-ray at 9.

Ponder it,

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