Saturday, January 16, 2010

We do it OUR way! - Congress & ObamaCare

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I saved this political cartoon from the Editorial section of the online Frederick News-Post.

This cartoon is a reflection on the fact that the Democrats completely control Congress and are now beyond the point of needing support from 'the people' to pass's just another sample of your basic 'back-room politics' that politicians have used forever.

For all the 'change' our new president espouses, this is one thing that will never change inside the DC beltway, or state capitals across the United States. Politicians only need 'the people' to the extent it aids their reelection. As a philosopher once said of congress's attitude, "How can we effect change if the voters know what we're doing?"

Ponder it,

PS - I sent emails to my senators and representatives expressing similar opinion. I'm afraid emails do little beyond boosting the 'email count' in my representatives' database statistics. I would place a smiley face emoticon here, but it truly is congress's automated method to ignore specifics of constituent feedback.

PPS - OK, I admit it, I am that philosopher. ;-)

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