Saturday, March 06, 2010

DST - Can it be that time again???

I gotta tellya up front, I ain't a fan of daylight savings time. I'm an early morning guy vice late night guy. I kinda like the idea of the sun shining when I get up instead of waking up in the dark.

I've been told that next Sunday, Mar 14, is the changeover and we'll set our clocks ahead an hour. Today it was daylight at 6 AM here in the Big Town of Savage. Next Sunday it will be getting daylight at 7 AM...that's a real bummer for a guy that gets up before 6.

Warm spot in the spring day will be later, more like after lunch rather than before lunch. I guess the plants don't know the difference, but I sure do.

Then comes evening and where it's getting dark around 6 PM now, the sun won't be setting until 7 PM or so.

Instead of things quieting down in the evening here in the BToS, they'll be rowdy. Folks will be walking the streets and cars will be running up and down the road. People will be cheering because they can extend their evenings. To me, it's just entirely too much action at a time that should be quiet around my house.

In the years I've been alive our whole society has shifted from an early day business structure to a late day business structure. When I was a kid you could go to the local department store at 8 in the morning, now most stores don't even consider unlocking the door until 10. On Sundays, many don't open until 11 AM.

I like quiet evenings. I guess maybe I'm just too old and remember how peaceful life used to be. Daylight savings time doesn't endear itself to my way of life.

I formally object to the change.

Ponder your life under daylight savings time,

PS - It's just like my government, I don't really have a say in what they do; why should this be any different!

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