Thursday, April 08, 2010

Early April 80-degree Days in the BToS

Normal high temp for the BToS in early April is in low 60s. Monday thru Wednesday it was in mid-upper 80s, altho the air is dry. Trees are doing their pollen deal and coating everything in sight, not to mention tickling me into the occasional sneezing spell. Where's my antihistamine when I need it!

Today is kind of breezy with temps in low 80s with a cold front expected to come thru tonite and possibly bring a few thunder storms.

I took advantage of the cooler weather late this morning to mow the lawn. I sharpened the blade on the mower and raised it a full notch above the center position. I've found it's better to cut the grass a bit higher during the fast-growth spring and hot-dry summer months. I won't lower it again until probably late September.

I took a couple of breaks to talk with neighbors during the mowing exercise, but finished a little after 1 pm. Now I need to mix up a batch of 'Weed be Gone' type stuff that kills the weeds without killing my grass and spray the stray dandelions and flowery looking gizmos that grow early in the year. I'll spray that after the rain from the front is gone and the winds die down. Can't allow any over-spray to get on flowers, as they wouldn't live long after.

All the trees in the area are popping buds and leaves. The character of the BToS changes with warm, wet spring weather. Even tho the yard-work quotient is higher, I am enjoying it.

Here's a link to a little video my neighbor Crazy Ray put on his blog showing some of the flowers in neighbor lady's yard. And here are two fotos I took earlier in the week.

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