Wednesday, May 05, 2010

ARIZONA - Doing The Job The Feds Won't Do

I've looked at what the political parties stand for and it appears that basically I am a "Libertarian".

One thing I can't agree with the Libertarian platform on is 'open borders'. I'm the kinda guy that believes that if laws exist we should enforce them, especially border security laws.

Many of the fiscal problems today in the USA are caused by 'illegal aliens' raking in government support via the many avenues available, not the least of which is medical care in emergency rooms.

The Federal Government has proven time and time again that they will not devote the resources needed to provide adequate border security. The US has a history of saying it's going to enforce border security and as a trade-off offers a 'path to citizenship' to all the illegal aliens currently in the United States.

The 'path to citizenship' works; thus allowing millions of illegal aliens to become citizens, while the promise of border security fails once again due to Congress' failure to appropriate adequate funding for the job.

I think it's about time we brought about half our troops home from other countries and station them on the Mexican border with loaded weapons and task them with closing the border. It would be a much better use of military funds than current spending provides. Protect the USA first!!!

At least the Arizona legislature had the gonads to stand up and begin to fight back. Of course, the Arizona law does little to secure the Mexican borders, but possibly it will open some discussion on the subject. If US citizens are not mad about this whole issue, I don't understand their thinking process.

Do good stuff; make something happen come election day,

PS - If you'd like to know more details about the Arizona law visit Michael Connelly's blog entry:
The Arizona Immigration Law

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