Sunday, October 24, 2010

Full Moon - Little Sleep

What is it about a night with a full moon that limits my sleep. It seems that invariably any night with a full moon will be a night where I wake multiple times and have difficulty getting back to sleep.

All the blinds are closed and the shades are pulled, but still the light sneaks into the house and keeps me awake. I made it to my computer before 4 AM today because we're in the throes of a full moon.

Or is it just that as I age I tend to have more difficulty sleeping anyway and the added light from the full moon just exacerbates the situation. I don't know the answer, but me and full moons ain't all love like they were when I was younger.

I do know that there are times when your mind is focused on a particular life problem and that once you wake, your mind just gets to churning and you can't shut it down again. Maybe it's a combination of the two that inhibits sleep.

OK, we've solved it, the light from the full moon wakes you and your mind gets to churning; thus no more sleep tonite.

Ponder it,

1 comment:

Elita said...

ngelita76I do not see the full moon, just having trouble some nites to fall asleep. This happens as we age and also many of us get up several times to go to the bathroom. I guess in my case, I just want to wash my hands and look at the new vanity, faucets and splashed with color fancy sink that I overpaid for in August.

That could be the reason I get up so many times.. ha...

Elita Sohmer Clayman, Pikesville, Md