Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Clutter, Hoarding and Newegg to the Rescue

It's around 7PM Monday evening and I'm ready to do a few things on the ol' computer. First I need to call my daughter and check in on Tuesday's dinner plans. I pick up the phone and my Vonage VOIP gizmo is telling me that there's no connection.

I do the usual, checking my Vonage unit, modem and router. Computer still has connection to internet but the lights on the Linksys router are acting kind of funny, constantly blinking in unison.

TiVo tells me that its wireless connection to the internet isn't working either. I ain't a big computer nerd at my old age, but I can manage some of the basics. After also testing my wireless laptop connection and finding it non-existent, I decide I need to replace my wireless router.

By now it's around 7:15 and I figure I can make it to Staples before they shut the doors and be back on line pretty quickly. But, didn't I take advantage of a deal on a new Cisco wireless router back in the spring?

With all the clutter in my computer area (and there is a LOT of clutter), I had no idea where it might be, if indeed I did buy one. It took me about 5 minutes to find the Cisco box hiding under the pile of STUFF in my extra desk chair.
Without going into details, I had the router up and running with wireless security in place in about 10 minutes. My TiVo and laptop were happy with the new security code and life is once again wonderful here in my cluttered computer area in the BToS.

Do good stuff; clutter; and have some fun,

PS - My penpal Susan has attempted to coerce me into eliminating my clutter with slight success over the years we've been emailing. I got into de-cluttering a bit early in '08 when I was about to get a weekend visit from cousins Betty, Bobby and Katie from Danville and knew I'd have them here in the house for a few days. We had a nice visit and I even had the kids in for a Sunday nite dinner with them; but then they left...CLUTTER reigns supreme once again. I'm not bad enough to need a path to the bathroom yet, but that time will come I'm sure.

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