Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Variable Banking Kills Bristol NASCAR TV

I'm an old time NASCAR CUP Racing fan. After a few years of watching races at the newly paved and reconfigured Bristol Motor Speedway, I've come to the conclusion that the variable banking that exists there now has taken the RACIN' SHOW out of Bristol.

I say that because today's racing at Bristol features two cars racing side by side for multiple laps and neither car is able to pass..."B-O-R-I-N-G". It was thought that side by side racing would be good for competition. It's not if one car can't pass the other. Continuous side by side racing is "B-O-R-I-N-G".

The old Bristol banking featured the fastest line right around the bottom of the track. The faster car overtook a slower one in the bottom lane and would nudge him out of the way to pass. That 'nudging' usually caused the lead car to suffer a momentary loss of grip and it would slide up the track in the corner and the 'nudger' would pass the rascal.

This always led to good TV that was much fun to watch. it also led to scrapes on the track between cars and sometimes in the pits between drivers and crews. Bristol was all about 'doing what you need to do' to win.

Today it's all HAPPY all the time. Drivers ride around for 500 laps, collect their money and go home. Terrible TV. Terrible racing.

Get the grinders out on that track and make the variable banking go away. Bristol is suffering in attendance and the TV ratings are down (of course part of that could be from FOX's 'tight shot' never show more than 2 cars coverage). Bristol track needs to go RETRO BRISTOL to AMP UP the FUN FOR THE FANS.

Sadly, next week's race at Fontana, CA will be even more BORING. Fortunately, the Fontana race has been reduced to only 400 miles and is the sole race at Fontana for the year; vice the previous 2 races each season.

Bored with Bristol,

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