Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Obama TV Has Worn Me Out

For the first time in my life I've reached a point where a Presidential speech or news conference on TV is cause for me to fast forward the TiVo or change the channel.

I have seen our President on TV for so many hours daily since early 2008 that I think he's worn me out. He can talk for hours and hours and say nothing. I've become immune to his posturing pronouncements that are no more than constant politicizing of national and world events.

There was a point in 2008 where I was like much of the electorate in being convinced that his Presidency would be a good change for the United States. Now I realize that we were sold a political bill of goods.

I have nothing breathtaking in this blog post, I'm just ranting a bit in an attempt to vent some of my frustration with my President.

I'm off to a Terrific Tuesday in which I've already vowed to not see my President on TV, even once today.

Do good stuff; have some fun and don't watch our President on TV,

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