Saturday, May 28, 2016


Today, May 28, 2016, is BToS JD's 75th birthday.  Born in 1941 a little over 6 months prior to the bombing of Pearl Harbor and the entry of the United States into WW II.

Fortunately, I was too young to understand anything about the war until it was actually over and I was four years old.  All I knew was that my Uncle Bennie was back in town.  Here's a foto of us with me sitting on the hood of his new car.

It's been a wonderful 75 years and looking back I pretty much enjoyed every moment of it.  All but the first year of my life has been lived right here in the Big Town of Savage.


PS - Oops, I forgot about those 6 months at Fort Knox, KY Oct 63 - Apr 64 for basic and advanced training.  Picture taken over '63 Christmas-New Year holiday.  I was 22 then.

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