Thursday, August 11, 2011

10 oz Pound Cake

I've decided that I am truly out of touch with the real world. Yesterday was just one more example of me ignoring today's realities.

As stores are wont to do, Shoppers Food Warehouse in Maryland City routes you thru the produce and baked goods department first. If you've read this blog over the years, you know that I definitely have a sweet tooth and find it difficult to pass thru the baked goods section without seriously thinking about buying...donuts anyone!!!

I came across this lemon flavored pound cake for $1.00...sounded good to me, so I bought one to go with the huge apple fritter I also fell in love with.

When I got home I was storing the few items I bought and noticed the pound cake inside the box appeared to be kind of puny, certainly less than I expected. I perused the box and found that my 'pound cake' was actually a 10 oz cake.

It's probably my own ignorance that caused me to expect a pound cake to weight 16 oz, but as I've said before I'm kinda 'old school' and not up with today's terminologies in many cases. I have to assume that 'pound cake' refers to a type of cake rather than the weight of the cake.

Even at 70, I learn something every day here in the Big Town of Savage,

PS - Lemon pound cake was really good...even better with some strawberries and whipped cream over it.

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