Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Newspaper Thrown in the Wet Grass

Do ya think it's true that the older you get the more you complain? Of course it's true. The older we get the more we know (or think we know).

I complain about things at 70 that wouldn't have even tickled my interest when younger. With tall grass from all the rain, I'm gonna pick on the newspaper delivery fella again. Why does he insist on throwing the newspaper in the yard instead of throwing it in the driveway.

I have to traipse thru the early morning wet grass to fetch the thing. Even with my trusty Birks on, it ain't no fun to get your feet wet and covered with who knows what kind of little critters.

In honesty I have 2 newspaper delivery folks. One delivers the Baltimore Sun daily the other delivers the Washington Post and the Washington Times daily. I'm not gonna say who throws it in the grass, but the Washington Post guy leaves it in the driveway 99% of the time. Maybe you can figger it out.

You're probably thinking, "Who the hell reads newspapers in today's online media world!!!" I do...I read 3 papers each day and 2 on Sundays. It's just an old habit I have had since I was first old enough to read. I'll sit in front of a bright window and read the paper in the sunny morning light.

If you haven't fetched your paper this morning, I hope it's not over in the high wet grass!

Another rant from here in the Big Town of Savage,

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