Thursday, December 29, 2011

Is Shampoo Wasted on a Buzz Cut

I don't recall that I've ever had my hair cut quite this short, but I do enjoy having what used to be known as crew cut, only mine is usually a bit shorter. At my age one of the things I like about short hair is getting out of the shower, toweling off and forgetting it. No muss; no fuss. For an old guy, that's good.

I've found that another benefit of really short hair is that I no longer need to purchase shampoo and hair conditioner. I figure there's hardly any hair up there anyway and my scalp has the same skin that's on my face. If Dove soap is good for my face and body, including private parts, then it's likely good for my scalp also.

Plus Dove doesn't dry my skin; thus it also doesn't dry my scalp. One bar of soap does it all and shortens the time required for a complete shower. What more can an old guy ask, not much.

I'm also the kind of guy that doesn't like low-flow shower heads, so I have a normal flow model; it's quick and efficient and if I'm cold, it quickly warms me up. All in all, short hair, soap and a lot of water make for a fine shower.

JD, clean with no dandruff here in the BToS

PS - This post was prompted by my son-in-law whose hair is almost as short as that in the foto and still likes shampoo...whatchagonnado with these young kids today!

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