Sunday, May 12, 2013

Happy Mother's Day - Iris Dement - Mama's Opry

This is appropriate for any time, but especially for Mother's Day.

JD, here in the BToS once more thinking of Mama who ended life at 52 back in 1967 when I was only 26.

PS - As I age, I notice that I seem to spend more time pondering what life was like for my parents and their parents back in the early 1900s while being raised during the depression and making do with what they had.  No one's left that I can query about those times and most of what I have left are photos of family from that period.

1 comment:

David Oliver said...

The song - good words, good voice.

I can relate to getting older and thinking about the past. Not the 20's or 30's so much since Dad and Mom experienced those years. They didn't talk about it really but it was obvious in the way we were reared. They wasted nothing and bought very little. Growing up I remember my Mother's grocery bill at the Grandfather's country store was usually $7.00 - for 2 weeks!