Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Stand Back From Door - Home Improvement Sales

My house is 45 years old and has original windows, storm windows, doors and painted trim.  My house is a magnet for home improvement vendors.  Add to that all the power companies that want to sign up as my power provider and I get quite a few visits to my front door.

I've noticed a few similarities between the approach most of these companies use.  I'll be doing something inside and I'll hear the doorbell; not the usual bing-bong, but a bing-wait for it-bong; kind of slow and non threatening.  At first I always think it's neighbor Upstairs Don, who rents an upstairs apartment next door.

I meander down to the door, look out and it's not Upstairs Don.  The vendor(s) is standing back from the door at the edge of the sidewalk and gives the appearance of having just examined the exterior of my house with a facial expression that says, "Boy, you sure need our services!"

It's almost as if all these vendors went to the same training session.  Possibly they did receive similar guidance from the internet or company guidance.  I'm sure door to door sales is like any other business today, there's a procedure you have to follow and you mustn't appear threatening or too pushy and of course, you always have a clipboard in your arm.  Most have a patch on their shirt identifying the company they are representing.

What do I do?  I usually give 'em one of my many 'send offs' after they tell me who and what they want.  I was cooking supper the other evening when I got the slow bing..........bong.  Went to door and it was home improvement guy standing back from the door on edge of sidewalk.  He mentioned windows, doors and trim.  I told him I'd already signed up with another company.

I got back to cooking before I burnt anything. 

JD, here in the BToS just waiting for the next home improvement or power provider salesperson to do the slow bing-bong.

PS - I couldn't find an image that depicted what I normally see when I go to the door.  Imagine this salesman standing at the back edge of the sidewalk instead of at the door and looking up at your house.

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