Friday, November 29, 2013

Holiday Shopping - No Glow For Me

I used to love nothing more than last-minute shopping on Christmas eve.  I'd be looking for that last minute gift, typically jewelry, for my girl, later my wife.  I'd always run into someone I know at the local stores at what then was the Laurel Shopping Center (as I recall).  I'd get my few gifts, come home and have 'em wrapped before Christmas morning.

I always felt focused by the last-minute shopping.  Of course, I'm talking about the mid-60s when life was simpler with fewer folks living in the area and uncrowded stores.  I could actually take a few minutes and talk to a sales person that I may have known; never was there a rush.

The world is a much different place 50 years later.  In central Maryland uncrowded stores seldom can be found from late November until after the new year begins.  Constant shopping deals flood every form of media and shopping crowds are a favorite topic for local news reporting.

After 50 years, with my kids grown and grandkids almost grown, I'm more of a non-shopper now.  Anything I need is at my fingertips via the internet to online stores.  Amazon and other sites have everything 24/7 and it shows up at your door, typically with no hassle.  My shopping now consists of M-F morning hours at Costco or Sam's Club.  No crowds, light traffic and I'm home in time to prepare a nice 1 pm lunch.

JD, laidback here in the Big Town of Savage with no shopping in my plans any time soon.

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