Thursday, August 21, 2008

Am I An Inveterate Food Complainer???

Or just an inveterate complainer???

It seems that I've become a restaurant-food complainer at least. At 67, I've gotten to the point in life where restaurant food is almost always something less than what I'm looking for. Maybe I'm going to the wrong restaurants, chain restaurants seem to receive most of my complaints.

In the case of a rack of ribs that I had at the X restaurant (name of restaurant chain withheld to avoid law suit) last nite, they advertise 'em as 'Fall-off-the-bone tender baby back ribs'. They look good on the plate and do indeed fall off the bone and come completely apart when you go to eat 'em.

It appears they remove the membrane from the back side of the rack of ribs, then I suspect they cook 'em in a way that leaves 'em moist (probably steam); then dry cook 'em a bit with the seasoning. The surface flavor is decent, but it's not a deep, embedded flavor that ribs should have; and they definitely do fall off the bone and are not at all satisfying to me. I ate about 1/3 of the full rack and let daughter Mitzi take the rest home with her.

I think I prefer the texture of the ribs that I slow, dry cook at home, with the membrane left on the back side. To me a person ought to have to gnaw the meat off the bone a bit, you know, make the whole deal something to work at, use your fingers, be messy and have fun as well as enjoying the food. Ribs shouldn't fall apart when you try to cut off a single rib. Shoot, you might as well eat 'em with a fork, like baked beans, but without the gas.

Other than the ribs, the dinner visit with daughter Mitzi was great. Mmmm, if only I'd ordered the grilled pork chops...


PS - They also have 'Boneless Buffalo Wings'. Figure that one out, if you can!

1 comment:

Elita said...

I agree withyou on restaurants. I close my eyes other than in a fancy expensive place or at Chinese restaurants where they place a clean and white spotless cloth on rather than wipe off with the SAME dirty rag the table just pushing the germs around and ugh wiping the seats where kids have stood or people have sat without their shoes and put their feet on them. Also your tussy being on the seat, the seatshould not be wiped with the table rag. A friend who is a manager at one of these chain nicer places said they change the rag every hour.That is b.s. because I am there for over an hr and the same rag is used.
I carry those sanitizing wipes to wipe our hands before and after we eat and then wipe the unclothed table too. So I get some sanitary things going.

Ugh, we are so used to it now, I close my eyes when the busboy wipes with the dirty rag.

We have to get out sometimes and will not pay the 100 dollar or so per meal cost in a fancy place just for the cloth.However, I admire the Chinese places, no matter how unbusy they are,they still put on a nicely washed and sanitized cloth.

I am a sender backer person. My husband gets embarassed at me for doing that but if it does not come out right, I do not want to waste calories and my acid reflux happening on icky food.

I enjoyed your restaurant article.

Elita Keep on Writing and Expressing...