Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Bailout - Why Did It Fail in the House Monday???

Did you wonder why the bailout bill was defeated in the House of Representatives Monday? What are your thots on the subject? Why would they kill something that the EMSM had already blessed???

Probably because they are up for reelection in 5 weeks and were bombarded with communications from their constituents protesting the Government bailout of Wall Street at our expense. When your job is on the line, as theirs is next month, you might actually listen for a change.

I suspect that a political compromise will be reached and a bailout will likely pass. But it just goes to show you that individuals can have a voice in our Government. All we need to do is band together to vote the rascals out of office every 2 years.

Do indeed ponder this one,



Elita said...

good job

Elita said...

this is all very true. they are out for their ownself and we are there to vote them in to get all their benefits that are denied us-the ordinary people.