Saturday, September 27, 2008

Retirees Shopping at Costco

There are a few idiosyncrasies that I've noticed since retiring. One of the more interesting is that Costco doesn't open on weekdays until 10:00 AM. As a matter of fact, except for grocery stores and Wal-Mart, and maybe Target, most stores seem to be on the 10 AM shift. Why is that?

Most of the morning rush hour traffic around here has died down by 8:30, kids are already in school and hockey/soccer moms are back home from ferrying kids to school (nobody rides the school bus around here). Most of the home service and construction folks are already on the job and the only menace on the road is the local delivery trucks (many of those drivers around here don't even speak English, much less read road signs).

Around 11:30 traffic is becoming hurried and hectic again and tends to become disheveled when office workers decide to go out to lunch (and there are a whole lot of them in central Maryland). Most don't really eat lunch, they have urgent errands to run and clog the local roads with traffic since they often get lost without their GPS to find XYZ shop. At least rush hour traffic knows where it's going, lunch traffic is just plain scary!

I guess retirees in general aren't one of Costco's main demographics; you know, really big spenders! Why did I even noticed this phenomenon? I'll tellya why. The only real quiet time on the roads on Monday thru Friday during the school year is from about 8:30-11:30 AM. So by the time I make my quiet tour of Costco and start back home, it's already 11:30, the roads are going crazy and the whole morning is shot.

So basically, I'd like to be able to visit Costco to spend my 'modest' sum (does anyone shop modestly at Costco?) of money and maybe run some other errands and then get back home before the 11:30 office-worker, banzai runs. Is it too much to ask that Costco (and Sam's for that matter) open earlier, maybe 9 AM on weekdays??? I don't really care what they do on weekends...I don't shop on weekends. When kids are out of school and folks aren't working, traffic isn't safe.

Ponder it.


1 comment:

Susan Spencer said...

Your theory of retirees patrolling Costco holds true here in the South. We have a retired friend Joe who has a hobby of shopping Costco within the exact timeframe specified. Too funny!