Tuesday, September 09, 2008

I've Never Heard of Joe Biden -- Have You???

It just occurred to me that I had never heard of Joe Biden until the announcement that Obama had chosen him as his VP candidate. I know he's a United States Senator from Delaware because that was part of the description when he was announced and that he's been a member of the Senate for a bazillion years. I have to assume he's one of our normal Congressional bureaucrats.

If you aren't familiar with Congressional bureaucrats, don't feel bad because they apparently prefer it that way. They like to go unnoticed until they retire. They like to fly under the radar and have a really big farewell celebration when it's time to go; and along the way during their extended career, they accumulate as many favors (spelled $$) as possible and retire happily ever after. Joe seems to be on that path. Obviously, the VP gig would enhance his retirement benefits and earning power ($$).

Joe Biden seems the odd candidate in this election. No one knows who he is, what he does, nor what he's accomplished. The only thing I've heard about him was in one of those negative emails that showed up in my inbox stating that he was a plagiarist. I had to google that one to make sure I understood the msg properly. Sadly, that seems to be about all I know about him, so I guess the negative email worked its magic on me.

Should I do more research on Joe Biden. Probably not. As I mentioned he seems not to matter. He apparently has no effect on whether voters will vote for Obama or McCain. Did I already say that! I forget what I said, but what I meant is that Joe Biden's effect on the election appears to be minimal. Wait, I said that too...oh well, you know what I mean.

It seems to me the only real effect Biden can have on this election is to either crush Sarah Palin in the VP debate or come across as the bad guy in same debate. Right now, given Palin's likability quotient, Joe Biden has his work cut out for him. Who knows, we may actually find out just who Joe Biden is come Oct 2...then again!


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