Sunday, September 07, 2008

Obama Boring -- Excitement Wanes

It may just be my perception, but has the Obama excitement meter tailed off a bit. All the news of the past 10 days has been about Sarah Palin and after the initial flurry by the Obama internet folks to discredit her in every way possible, Obama appears to be somewhat defensive in his posture.

This is not the same Obama that was constantly exhorting his position for change when running against Hillary Clinton. Was it the presence of Mrs Clinton that gave Obama the huge boost in the polls? Again, it might just be my perception, but I don't know anyone that really likes Hillary Clinton. Most folks I know do like and appreciate Bill Clinton. But to most folks I know Hillary kind of comes across as a negative (I won't use the B word here).

It's seems obvious to me that once you get beyond the novelty of Obama being a man with dark skin being pitted against the biggest female pit bull that we all know in Hillary, there's not much left to recommend Obama for President of the United States. It was his contest with the Hated Hillary that boosted Obama to the stratosphere in the polls.

Now he's on his own, running against the Good Guys, Sarah and John. He doesn't look as good when contrasted with them as he did in contrast with Hillary. No, it seems to me that Obama needs the US electorate to hate his opponent in order for him to be successful in his quest for the Presidency. As of today, the electorate hates only Bush; can Obama reprise Bush as the issue? 'Hatred of Bush' may be the only issue that can boost Obama to the Presidency now that Hillary is gone...Obama can't do it with his persona alone.



Elita said...

great thoughts... I agree completely. The press is having a field day on Sarah and they have sent reporters and 'journalists' to Alaska to get the dirt on her. how obnoxious.... elita

Susan Spencer said...

GREAT article, Dewey!

(PS thanks for the mention on wedding day too)