Wednesday, September 03, 2008

Mainstream Media - Is It Really Mainstream???

I constantly hear the term 'mainstream media'. I never quite know what it means. I do know what I think it means, but I'm not sure. I assume mainstream media are the folks that do network TV and big city news services and papers. They do the 'commentary' and 'opinion' shows on Sunday morning TV. They also do the major network news shows that we see on TV every evening and hear on network feeds to our local radio stations all through the work day. They also compose our newspaper articles. Basically, they provide their interpretation of national and world events and drive the tone of public opinion for the majority of the folks in the United States. Most members seem to have similar attitudes and work in concert to gain their favored position on issues.

It also seems that federal politicians and other federal wannabe politicians kowtow to mainstream media folks. It appears to me that if you don't bend over for these folks, you'll never be successful in politics. So, our federal politicians and wannabe politicians usually do whatever's necessary to win over or appease the mainstream media. Does that mean that the mainstream media is, in reality, in control of the United States Government; kind of like being KING USA, but without the birthright or the credentials?

That is a possibility, but it's just my observation. I do know that the mainstream media doesn't include media located in states that aren't in the northeast, California or possibly Chicago, IL. What about the portions of the US that aren't mainstream, the rest of the US? What do they do? How do wannabe politicians become successful without kowtowing to the mainstream media when it's not resident in their state? Or do they, out of habit, do the same thing as the feds and big state governors do in order to receive mainstream media approval? Do they just ignore mainstream media and do what makes sense in their little world? I suspect it matters little to them what you do in non-mainstream areas of the US because it's likely that they don't even know that you exist and could care less as you're not important to their lofty position, as happened in this recent example...

I observed this example just since John McCain announced the Governor of Alaska, Sarah Palin, as his VP nominee. The mainstream media was taken by surprise and was completely unaware that Alaska is actually part of the United States. Think about it, Alaska isn't even within the US borders, it's way, way out there and surrounded by ice, who knew! That's right, the mainstream media thinks Alaska is not really a state, they believe that it's kind of like a wildlife refuge and wilderness and is inhabited only by animals. Maybe a few folks are in the area to take care of the animals and make sure trees aren't cut down. These few residents evidently threw together this little government thingie, kind of like one of those little countries that no one even knows exists. The government of Alaska doesn't do anything. Hell, what can it do, it's only there to oversee the care and feeding of the animals! It's not like it's Chicago; is it?


PS - In my case the mainstream media newspaper is the Washington Post, but I also read the Frederick News-Post online every day. Frederick, MD is about 50 miles NW of Washington, DC. It's refreshing to read that little paper and to observe the differences in perspective and attitudes compared to mainstream media. Does the 'mainstream media' really know what goes on in the United States beyond the beltways? I don't know where you live, but ponder that question before you spend 1/2 hour watching or listening to the next newscast or opinion show, 'cause if you're reading this you already know of better news sources than 'mainstream media'.

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