Friday, September 05, 2008

Elite MainStream Media - EMSM

You can tell I'm new to this blogging deal. After my last posting I managed to check a bunch of other blogs and articles to see what others thot of the mainstream media. It seems everyone mentions them. There appears to be an acronym MSM MainStream Media. I haven't done any research yet, but there could likely also be an LMSM (Liberal MainStream Media) which is mentioned quite often and another for EMSM (Elite MainStream Media) as Sarah Palin mentioned in her Wednesday night acceptance speech. These acronyms seem difficult to pronounce, so likely won't find their way into normal speech the way NASCAR (National Association for Stock Car Auto Racing) does. I saw no mention of a CMSM (Conservative MainStream Media). Possibly conservative media folks are side stream, or downstream or upstream; at any rate they're not mainstream. I guess there aren't too many conservative media folks.

In the two days since Sarah Palin's speech, I've noticed that the EMSM seems to be quite upset at her and are taking her to task in their columns. I can't quite figure out why, as she seems a perfectly normal lady with a fine family to me. I've observed that the EMSM members that are most vehement in their comments seem to be based and published in either Washington, DC or New York, NY. It's entirely possible that these EMSMs consider Mrs. Palin to be inferior in status, somewhat analagous to a 'redneck' or a house servant. The columns that I've read today tend to remind me of some hoity-toity people like you used to see in old 30s movies talking about downhome folks from redneck states. You know what I mean, the EMSMs kind of look down their nose at them as if to infer, "Why don't you go back where you came from; you don't belong here!" I guess they kinda think that about Sarah Palin.

I've never gotten to the point in life where I could be hoity-toity or look down my nose at anyone. It's just not me and I tend to live outside of any box. Evidently the EMSM live and think inside their own box and Sarah Palin does not quite meet their standards, therefore they aren't ever going to let her become a member of their box. It matters little what she accomplishes in life, she'll never quite make it into the 'EMSM BOX'. She will just never make the grade. Supposedly, she graduated from the University of Idaho; is that in Alaska too?

Each of the other 3 candidates are members of the United States Senate. They've probably already earned their way into the EMSM BOX. McCain and Biden via their extended Senate service and Obama likely because he's a favorite son of the EMSM membership. He's probably been granted a temporary membership until he achieves higher status via his current pursuit of the Presidency or an extended number of years as a Senator. It's also possible that he is a token member of the EMSM BOX to meet minority membership requirements. It's difficult to know the answer to this one unless you are yourself a member of the hoity-toity EMSM.

Well that's all I've been able to discover about the EMSM, but I'll do more research to see if I can glean more facts. Strangely enough, members of the EMSM are seldom subjects of news articles. Possibly the EMSM is a Secret Society. It stands to reason that if you're gonna be KING USA, you can't afford to be the subject of too many articles, now can you!


PS - Here's a look at 'Live from MSM-TV' by Blair Lee. Sure adds to the theme.

1 comment:

Elita said...

very good blog and so right. enjoy all your blogging or better known as good writing... from me elita