Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Obama Ignorant -- Speech Writers Worse

I'm really slow in catching up on the news. Usually it takes a couple of days for things to sink in after seeing headlines on Google News. But there it was, Obama calling Sarah a pig. At first I thought someone was just pulling my leg. But I read the article and evidently he was trying to make a funny, barbed remark in response to Sarah's pit bull/lipstick comment about herself during her convention speech.

On the surface that seems a reasonable thing to do if you're Obama. But I can't believe that his speech writers thought the remark would win him any votes...who's in charge??? More likely, it is an indicator of their vitriol since Palin's speech. I have to believe these speech writers are holed up in their bunkers 20 hours a day and high on uppers to be so out of touch with mainstream America that they thought that this disparaging comment would go over in their favor. Evidently, they only tested it in front of an already approving audience.

What's worse is to think that Obama is so ignorant that he would recite such a line without thinking about it himself. He obviously places complete confidence in his handlers and repeats whatever they tell him will work. Does he really have any independent thoughts?

What does that say about Obama's true thoughts and feelings??? I always gave him credit for being a stand up guy, but it's seems that he and his handlers are so amped-up over McCain's Sarah-bump in the polls, that they will pull no punches, no matter the cost to their image!!!


PS - Obama's contention that his 'lipstick on a pig' comments were taken out of context is somewhat valid if viewed strictly from an editorial perspective. His audience knew what he meant and reacted accordingly with laughter at his barbed jab at Palin. No, his remarks were interpreted by everyone as he and his speech writers intended. What they didn't envision was mainstream America's backlash at the ignorant reference.


Susan Spencer said...

I totally agree with you, MEPP. I think his writers thought it would be a funny barb but it came across as mean spirited, sexist, and utterly unfunny. And then when it came back to bite him--duh!--he says he wasn't referring to Sarah. Maybe he wasn't but that audience he said it to sure thought he was, and you know their reaction wasn't lost on him.

BTW, the more I read about Sarah, the more I really like her. I'm going to get a pair of those sexy librarian eyeglasses and a big gun and go hunting for mooses.

Elita said...

I agree with you completely. He is getting scared a bit with all this hoopla over Sarah. At first, I thought McCain not on the ball with her choice. Now I think he has revitalized the whole election happening. People are really going to come out and vote and hopefully if Obama loses his friends and voters will not riot throughout the cities. I read this on several websites and they will automatically call it racist and will proceed from there. God forbid that ever happening again in this country. I remember well the 1968 riots her in our own city.
