Tuesday, December 09, 2008

Internet Buddies -- Tenuous At Best

Internet friends are neat. You meet 'em and you greet 'em on a regular basis. You end up knowing things about each other and after a while you feel you are a part of each other's life. Typically, you send jokes, political stuff and other things that you think they might find interesting via email with an occasional personal note. Many folks today also use the social websites to get to know each other.

I've found that internet buddies are kind of like relatives. You end up knowing a good bit about each other, but you don't really talk (communicate) very often. Most communication is like getting together at a reunion or for a quick visit when you're in their town (or website). You chat, reminisce and wonder what happened to ol' so-and-so, but you don't truly communicate very much. It's kind of like 'touching base' on a semi-regular basis.

Then occasionally you run across a special internet buddy that grabs your interest and that you just can't ignore. You look forward to your next communication and when you don't hear from 'em, you wonder where they are and what they're doing and if everything's ok.

Or possibly, as in my case, you might have a bunch of ol' cronies that you've known seemingly forever and remain in contact with via email. It kind of makes for an extended and, in some cases, surrogate family. Like many relationships, internet friendships are tenuous, but the main thing to remember is that "it's gotta be fun."

Your internet family is an iffy thing. Enjoy it while you have it and always be positive in your attitude. You never know what might come down the road!


PS - I ran into this website and it got me to thinking about email friends.
Art by: Kim Anderson- Click here to buy From Art.com

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