Thursday, January 01, 2009

Bacon, chili, slaw dog

First lunch of the new year (2009) was a bacon, chili, slaw dog. To make this dog:
- Wrap Hebrew National all beef kosher slim frank with a strip of good bacon and secure with short toothpick on each end. Fry over low heat in some oil until hearty brown, but not crisp, on all sides.
- Put superb bacon frank inside superb hot dog roll of your choice.
- Apply mustard-pickle hot dog relish (or mustard)
- Add chopped sweet onions
- Apply heated hot dog chili (recipe available)
- Top with cole slaw (don't overdo)
Fit the edges of the toppings down in the roll so you can get your mouth around that rascal and go to it!


PS - I would have included a foto if I hadn't woofed it down so doggone fast! As a little background, I learned to eat slaw dogs with my relatives in the south when I was just a wee one. It's been habit since and if I have the slaw available, I seldom make a chili dog without slaw, just makes it wonderful for me.

Most of the time you can find both hot dog chili and slaw in my fridge and the Hebrew National franks in the freezer. It only takes a couple of minutes to prepare a single portion and it's always great. I seldom do the bacon, but thot it would be a nice change for the first lunch of 2009.

I reasoned that change was only fitting for the new year due to the imminent coronation of the new President, Barack Obama, whose campaign slogan was 'CHANGE'.

PPS - Before you berate me for misuse of the term, I did indeed mean to say 'coronation'.

1 comment:

SavageMdUSA said...

Mmmm...Sounds great to me; but no dogs or slaw in the fridge! Oh well...