Sunday, January 04, 2009

Toothpaste -- Horizontal or Vertical???

I was always the kind of guy that just laid the toothpaste on the cabinet shelf. I never gave much thought to it, I just put it where it goes. I did notice at times that when I would get something from behind the toothpaste tube, I would accidentally knock it off the front of the would clunk down on to the faucet and subsequently fall into the basin...bummer. I always figured it was just because I was basically a clumsy guy (I really can be at times!). You can check out this foto and see how easy it could happen to a heavy handed old guy. Shaving cream; clunk, there goes the toothpaste again!!!

Then I decided it might make sense to provide a small horizontally oriented shelf for tubes of stuff. That worked pretty well as long as I didn't have too many horizontal thingies. Between toothpaste, razor gizmos and the occasional tube of Brylcreem (yes they still make Brylcreem in tubes for old guys like me) it could get cluttered and I could knock even more stuff off into the basin.

On one of my shopping trips to either Sam's or Costco I decided to try Aquafresh toothpaste. No I don't recall why I ditched Crest on that trip, maybe it was the fancy two-toned look to the Aquafresh paste or it was just a better deal. You know how those big box stores are, you get about 20 tubes in a box for $2 (well maybe I exaggerated, but you know what I mean). When I got home I threw this huge box of Aquafresh into my toothpaste cupboard (who'm I kidding, I just laid it someplace).

I never gave the Aquafresh a thought until my last tube of Crest gave up the ghost. By then the Aquafresh had hidden itself away where I couldn't readily find it. I finally discovered a new tube and went to work on my teeth. The new flavor tasted pretty good and perked my mouth right up. When I finished and went to put the tube into the cabinet, I noticed that the cap on the tube of Aquafresh was considerably wider and had a flat top. Being the extremely sharp guy that I am, I immediately deduced (is that a real word) that it might balance on the top of the cap!

I was flabbergasted!!! What a great idea...Aquafresh is the MAN!!!


PS - I haven't checked all brands of toothpaste to determine if anyone else produces similar caps for convenience of use, but they certainly should produce them and publicize it. You can't tell the type cap that's on a tube of toothpaste until you get it home, or open the box to inspect it before you buy it.

I've been a dedicated Aquafresh customer since I discovered this marvel a couple of years ago. Crest, Colgate or any other brand can do without my business until they provide similar caps. I save old caps just in case Aquafresh gets carried away and changes to mainstream, puny caps to save a few cents in today's economy.

PPS - I know, I know; you noticed that there are old folks-type products in that cabinet. Lubriderm for my wrinkles, Old Spice Classic for my hairy underarms and cornstarch body powder to ease up the effects of body friction. An old fart's gotta do what an old fart's gotta do!

1 comment:

Susan Spencer said...

VERTICAL. No question about it, although I bailed on the long tube kind altogether and use the little fat squeezie tubes Colgate comes in.