Saturday, January 31, 2009

Weather Channel HD -- US Map Distorted

I luv The Weather Channel. Kristina Abernathy is my favorite weather gal of all time, but Alexandra Steele is right up there too. I usually flick it on while dressing each morning just to see what's happening in the weather world from The Weather Channel perspective.

Now when I flick on TWC, I get so frustrated when I have to look at the distorted HD weather map of the Unites States. Whose bright idea was it to create a map that looks like it was originally printed on pizza dough and stretched to fit an HD display???

Most of today's kids have no idea what the United States looks like anyway and this asinine weather map just makes the whole situation worse. Wait a minute, it just occurred to me that none of today's kids would ever watch The Weather Channel!

Forget I ever mentioned the subject...


PS - The HD weather map of the United States SUCKS!

1 comment:

SavageMdUSA said...

I never watch the Weather Channel. It's Doug Hill on ABC 7 in DC for me. Not a pretty face, just good forcasting.
The Weather Channel's like watching multiple forcasts between the adds. By the time my area forcast comes around, I'm asleep. Almost as bad as the Super Bowl. A little football between the adds.