Friday, January 30, 2009

Best Thing About the Super Bowl

What's the best thing about the Super Bowl? For me the best thing about the Super Bowl is when it's over!

No more over-hyped TV coverage of Super Bowl related trivia that bores the crap out of folks like me that are no longer football fans. Except for politics, no TV coverage is more inane than the coverage of the Super Bowl.

Yes, I am an old fart. An old fart that has no interest what so ever in stick and ball sports. TV has worn me out on them. Nightly sportscasts focus on guys making millions of dollars a year for running around with a ball in their hands. I can't relate to these people, nor their over-hyped lives.

There is one other good thing about the conclusion of the Super Bowl and that's a one-hour episode of The Office after the Super Bowl TV broadcast.


PS - If President Obama is so concerned about Wall Street bonuses in the millions during these austere times, shouldn't he also be concerned about the outrageous salaries for sports stars that directly cause outrageous ticket prices and TV fees???

PPS - NASCAR racin' begins with the Bud Shootout in Daytona Beach the week after the super bowl.

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