Thursday, March 12, 2009

February Costco gasoline bill - $61.06

This morning I opened an email from the American Express folks letting me know that my February statement was ready. It had a couple of links in it. One was to go view my statement while the other was to go pay the bill.

I was kinda in a hurry, so I clicked on the 'Bill Pay' link. After checking my hiding place for userids and passwords, I logged into the Amex account and up popped the 'Pay Bill' window.

I was shocked. The total bill was $61.06!!!

I know the price of gas has gone down considerably from what it was, but this was ridiculously low! I know for a fact that I bought no gas on any other credit card in February, which admittedly is a very short month, but come on; only $61.06???

I can only conclude that by having 3 vehicles and switching primary vehicle each week, I likely hit the gas window right on each and probably only bought gas twice and not much either time. The ol' van and TT each have 24 gallon tanks and the truck has a 34 gallon tank. You figure it out!

That was today's GOOD NEWS. :-)

The bad news is allergies; tree pollen is really high and I'm noticing all the symptoms. I've been taking my yellows and reds (the 'gotta sign for it' stuff, not the replacement) and hopefully the respiratory problems will be short-lived.


PS - If it's any consolation, the auto insurance bill I paid yesterday for the 2 trucks, the van and a bike more than made up for it...we won't even get into how much that was...

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