Sunday, March 01, 2009

Political Parties - Good for United States???

I gotta tellya that I'm a bit confused on this whole political party deal. During elections they're all telling us what's so great about their party and how lousy the other party is. This goes on in earnest for about a year in presidential elections.

Once the election is over and the new guy takes over, President Obama this cycle, then all the good stuff they told us they would do is down the drain and they begin bashing each other in preparation for the mid-term elections.

I see political parties as constantly devisive forces that in no way can govern effectively. Their daily goal is to create a new diversion that will be the #1 item on the evening news of the Elite Main Stream Media (EMSM).

Neither party cares about 'what's good for the United States'! Each party cares only about 'what's good for the Democrats' in the next election or 'what's good for the Republicans' in the next election! Basically, each party is out to 'SCREW' United States citizenry to gain party strength and to fill their members' pockets; spelled $$.

What happened to Obama's mantra to bring people together to address the problems of the United States. Obviously, that was just rhetoric aimed at getting him and the Democrat party back in power.

This constant divisiveness carries over into the fiscal impudence of both parties; each going full-bore to run the United States into BANKRUPTCY! They may have finally accomplished their goal with this latest waste of money for the so-called American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (ARRA), also known as THE STIMULUS...

The current political structure of the United States is completely dysfunctional. Basically, both major parties are self-serving entities that remind me of functional assholes; and you know what assholes are good for!

It's the political parties that are killing the United States...there are no common goals between the Democrats and Republicans and they have no common goal for the United States! It can only end in disaster for United States citizens!

Where's a guy like Ross Perot when you need him! Everyone else is afraid to buck their party; so they conform to the Party demands and say, "The hell with the United States, let's go PARTY!"

Ponder it,

1 comment:

Susan Spencer said...

From your lips to God's ears, Dewey. I am fed up with the lot of them.