Thursday, April 23, 2009

Are you into Maryland Politics?

Tax Tea Party does no good when you have this kind of one-party rule. Maryland's Democrat controlled legislature and governor have no conscience when it comes to the use of your money. They'll do whatever's necessary to ensure their re-election to office and continuation of their Slaphappy, Spend, Spend, Spend Rule by paying off their supporters!

Notice the smiles on the faces of Mike Miller and Martin O'Malley while Michael Bush is almost smiling as they sign bills to spend your $$.

Read Ron Smith's Friday commentary in the Baltimore Sun titled "Under State's One-Party Rule, Taxpayer Beware"

Ponder it next time you cast a vote,

PS - 4/30/2008 3:28 PM - It just occurred to me that the United States is in the exact same situation as the State of Maryland is regarding a one-party Government. So basically, all of my comments in this earlier post relating to Maryland definitely relate to the United States.

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