Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Let The Mystery Be -- Iris DeMent

I find myself taking a similar position to the one described in Iris DeMent's lyrics of this song, "Let The Mystery Be." As a youth I was a pretty religious fella and was kind of strong on 'right and wrong' as taught by my parents and the Southern Baptist Church on Washington Street in the Big Town of Savage. I believe that training provided me with a sturdy base of good behavior that got me through my teenage and young adult years.

Seems the older I got the more questions arose that weren't answerable by simply using right or wrong, or that when you die you're either going to heaven or hell. Life's simpler for many people if issues are only two-sided, they take their position and either stand on one side or the other.

Seems to me that there's a whole lot of space in the middle for flexibility and discussion. I find this true for most subjects that we deal with in the world today. Give life a little space and see where it goes. I think I'll just adopt the position to "Let The Mystery Be" until there's more concrete proof that the mystery has answers.

If you're not sure what I'm talking about here, don't worry. I'm not sure I know myself. Click the ol' 'go' button on this video, enjoy the music and listen closely to the lyrics; then possibly you'll also agree to "Let The Mystery Be."



SavageMdUSA said...

Lot of heavy stuff in that one brother. I grew up in Catholic Parish in good old Baltimore. If I strayed away from the main-line thinking, the nuns at my school would have broken one of them round wooden pointers with the black rubber point on my head. I can tell you, that hurts. At least the priests never got to me...LOL!
Well, my Tibetan monk friends seem to see it your way and hey, if their wrong maybe they'll be right the next time around...Happy Easter!

Susan Spencer said...

I loved that song and I think you've gotten me hooked on Iris.